A well-founded vocabulary is built over a long period of time. You will need to develop your skills over many hours of practice, but you can train for the SAT exam and add a large number of words to your vocabulary in a relatively short period of time by studying this BASE SAT VOCABULARY LIST. :RA The ANTONYM (opposite) section of the VERBAL SECTION of the SAT asks you to choose a word that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the given word. You cannot find an opposite for a word unless you know the word's meaning. :RA The best preparation for the VERBAL SECTION is to master the BASE SAT VOCABULARY LIST. The 1000 words in this base list have recurred on College Entrance SAT exams. Go over the list in small sections at a time. You can come back to the list as often as you wish. :RA In the VERBAL SECTION of the SAT you will actually have to answer twenty-five (25) ANTONYM questions. These should take you the least amount of time of the four question types on the VERBAL SECTION. Pace yourself to answer each ANTONYM question in about fifteen seconds. You can set a goal of four ANTONYM questions per minute. :RA Start reviewing the vocabulary list by pressing the first letter of the word with which you wish to start. :VO 1. abase - to lower; to humiliate 2. abhor - to detest 3. abject - hopeless; despicable; servile 4. abjure - to retract a former opinion or allegiance 5. abound - to exist in great quantity 6. abridge - to shorten 7. abrogate - to cancel 8. abscond - to depart secretly :RA 9. absolve - to free from blame or penalties l0. abstain - to refrain 11. abstruse - obscure; too profound for popular understanding; recondite 12. abyss - bottomless pit; immeasurable depth 13. academic - pertaining to an institution of learning; theoretical rather than practical 14. accede - to yield 15. accelerate - to increase in speed :RA 16. acclaim - to approve loudly 17. acclimate - to accustom 18. accolade - honor; award 19. accord - agreement; to grant 20. accrue - to increase; to accumulate 21. acetic - vinegary 22. acme - highest point; apex; zenith 23. acquiesce - to yield; to accept passively :RA 24. acquit - to free from guilt; to exonerate 25. acrid - bitter in taste 26. acrimonious - bitter in temper or tone 27. acumen - insight; shrewdness 28. adage - a well-known saying; proverb; maxim; saw; apothegm 29. adamant - stubborn 30. adapt - to adjust; to make suitable 31. adept - clever; skilled :RA 32. adherent - a follower 33. adjourn - to postpone a meeting or court session 34. admonish - to find fault with; to reprove 35. adolescence - period from childhood to maturity 36. adroit - clever; skilled 37. adulation - great praise 38. advent - arrival 39. adversary - opponent :RA 40. adverse - opposed 41. advocate - one who pleads a cause; to espouse 42. aesthetic - pertaining to beauty 43. affable - genial; sociable 44. affectation - an assumed manner; pretense 45. affliction - great suffering in body or mind 46. affluence - prosperity 47. affray - a public brawl :RA 48. aggravate - to intensify; to make worse 49. aggregate - a total or whole; to accumulate 50. aggression - unlawful invasion; unprovoked attack 51. agile - nimble; quick-moving; spry 52. agitate - to stir up 53. agnostic - one who says that man cannot know the nature of God or man's destiny 54. alchemy - medieval chemistry :RA 55. alias - an assumed name 56. alienate - to estrange 57. allay - to relieve; to pacify 58. allege - to declare positively 59. allegory - a narrative in which the characters represent vices and virtues 60. alleviate - to lighten; to lessen; to relieve 61. alloy - mixture of metals 62. allude - to refer to indirectly :RA 63. aloof - apart; reserved 64. altercation - a quarrel 65. altruistic - unselfish 66. amalgamate - to merge 67. amass - to accumulate; to gather 68. ameliorate - to improve 69. amenable - obedient; compliant 70. amend - to modify 71. amiable - friendly; sociable :RA 72. amorphous - shapeless 73. amnesty - pardon for a past offense 74. amplify - to increase in extent or volume 75. anachronism - out of chronological order 76. analogy - partial resemblance between two objects or ideas on which a comparison may be based 77. anarchy - state of chaos; disorder caused by lack of government 78. anathema - curse; abomination :RA 79. anecdote - a short narrative, often biographical 80. animate - to infuse with life or spirit 81. animosity - ill will; resentment 82. anguish - intense suffering 83. annals - chronicles; historical records 84. annul - to cancel 85. anomaly - an apparently absurd or self-contradictory situation; irregularity :RA 86. anonymous - of unknown authorship 87. antagonist - opponent 88. antediluvian - antiquated; very old 89. anthology - a collection of selected writings 90. anthropoid - manlike 91. antithesis - contrast 92. antonym - a word opposed in meaning to another; opposite 93. apathy - indifference :RA 94. apex - summit; highest point; zenith 95. aphorism - a short wise saying; adage; saw; proverb; maxim 96. aplomb - poise 97. apparition - a ghost 98. appease - to pacify 99. appendage - something attached or affixed 100. apprehend - to become aware of; to understand; to arrest 101. apprise - to inform :RA 102. appurtenance - an accessory 103. apropos - with reference to; fitting 104. aptitude - talent; fitness 105. apt - skilled; inclined; fitting 106. arable - cultivatable; fertile 107. arbitrary - subject to individual will or judgment; unreasonable 108. arbitrate - to adjudicate; to act as judge 109. archaic - no longer in fashion; ancient :RA 110. archetype - a model; a prototype 111. archipelago - a group of islands in a sea 112. arduous - labored; difficult 113. argot - slang 114. aria - a melody for a single voice in an opera 115. arid - barren 116. aristocrat - a person of noble birth 117. armistice - an agreed temporary suspension of hostilities; truce :RA 118. aroma - fragrance 119. arraign - to charge with guilt 120. array - orderly display; rich or beautiful apparel 121. arrogant - scornfully proud; presumptuous 122. arson - malicious burning of property 123. articulate - able to express oneself clearly 124. artisan - a handicraftsman 125. ascetic - self-denying :RA 126. ascribe - to attribute 127. askance - distrustfully 128. askew - unsymmetrical; awry 129. aspect - phase; look; appearance 130. asperse - to slander; to vilify; to spread false reports against 131. aspire - to seek longingly; to strive for something higher 132. assail - to attack abusively 133. assent - to agree :RA 134. assiduous - industrious; diligent; attentive 135. assuage - to calm; to relieve; to appease; to alleviate 136. astrology - study of human destiny by interpreting the movements of the stars 137. astute - shrewd 138. atheist - one who does not believe in the existence of God 139. atone - repent 140. atrocity - cruelty; shockingly bad deed :RA 141. atrophy - to waste away; to deteriorate 142. attest - to give testimony; to bear witness 143. attribute - to allot; to ascribe; to assign 144. attrition - the act of wearing down by attack or rubbing 145. audacious - bold 146. augment - to increase 147. auspicious - favorable as to the future :RA 148. austere - self-denying; severe in habits and temper 149. authentic - genuine 150. autocratic - despotic; holding unlimited governmental powers 151. automation - mechanism which imitates actions of humans 152. autonomy - independence 153. auxiliary - supplementary; assisting 154. avarice - greed; cupidity 155. aver - to declare to be true; to assert :RA 156. averse - reluctant; disinclined 157. avert - to turn aside; to prevent 158. avid - greedy 159. avocation - a supplementary occupation; a hobby 160. avow - to bear witness; to declare solemnly 161. avuncular - like an uncle 162. awe - solemnity; profound fear or wonder 163. awry - unsymmetrical :RA 164. axiomatic - self-evident 165. azure - sky blue :RA 166. balmy - mild; soothing 167. banal - commonplace; unoriginal; trite; hackneyed 168. bandanna - brightly colored handkerchief 169. bane - destruction 170. banter - good-humored jesting; badinage 171. baton - a short stick 172. beget - to produce 173. beguile - to deceive; to entertain; to divert :RA 174. bellicose - hostile; warlike 175. belligerent - waging war; hostile 176. benevolent - generous; philanthropic 177. benign - kindly 178. berate - to scold 179. bereave - to be deprived of through death 180. berserk - frenzied 181. beseech - to plead 182. bias - prejudice :RA 183. bibliophile - a lover of books 184. bigoted - prejudiced; biased 185. bizarre - strange in appearance or manner 186. bland - mild 187. blase - indifferent; bored 188. blaspheme - to talk irreverently 189. blatant - noisy; glaringly conspicuous 190. bleak - cold and dismal 191. bliss - great pleasure :RA 192. blight - to ruin; to spoil 193. blithe - joyous 194. boisterous - very noisy or disorderly 195. bombastic - pompous in language; verbose; prolix; fustian 196. bondage - slavery 197. braggadocio - extravagant boasting 198. brand - to make a mark upon, usually as of disgrace; condemn :RA 199. brandish - to wave challengingly, as with a weapon 200. bravado - loud boasting 201. brawl - a noisy quarrel 202. brevity - shortness of duration; quality of being brief 203. bucolic - pertaining to the countryside; pastoral; rural; rustic 204. buffoon - clown 205. bulwark - an object that serves as defense or security :RA 206. buoyant - vivacious; cheerful 207. burly - stout; brusque :RA 208. cacophony - discordant sound 209. cadaverous - haggard; ghastly; gaunt 210. cadence - fall of the voice in speaking; rhythm 211. cajole - to coax 212. callous - insensitive; indifferent to feelings 213. candid - frank; ingenuous 214. canine - pertaining to dogs 215. cantankerous - ill-natured; quarrelsome :RA 216. capitulate - to surrender 217. capricious - whimsical; incalculable; unreliable 218. caricature - a laughable representation of a person in which one or more of the features are exaggerated 219. cataclysm - violent upheaval 220. caustic - bitter 221. celestial - pertaining to the heavens 222. centennial - a 100th anniversary :RA 223. centrifugal - departing from the center 224. charlatan - an impostor; fraud 225. chastise - to discipline 226. cherub - angel; seraph 227. chic - smartly stylish 228. chicanery - subterfuge; dishonest reasoning; sophistry 229. choleric - ill-tempered; testy 230. chronic - lasting for a long time; habitual :RA 231. circuitous - roundabout; indirect 232. circumspect - cautious; wary 233. circumvent - to outwit; to secure an advantage by stratagem or trickery 234. civil - courteous; governmental 235. clandestine - secret 236. clarify - to make clear; to enlighten 237. clement - merciful 238. cliche - a hackneyed or overused expression :RA 239. coalesce - to merge; to blend; to unify 240. cogent - persuasive; potent 241. collaborate - to work together 242. comely - attractive 243. commemorate - to recall to mind by an act or monument 244. compact - agreement; solidified 245. compassion - mercy; strong sympathy 246. compatible - suitable; mutually agreeable :RA 247. complacent - smug; self-satisfied 248. complaisant - kindly; agreeable 249. comprehend - to understand; to encompass 250. compunction - remorse; sorrow 251. concise - to the point; expressed in few words; laconic; succinct; terse; pithy 252. concur - to agree 253. condolence - sympathy 254. condone - to excuse; to extenuate :RA 255. conform - to adapt; to comply 256. conjecture - to guess 257. connive - to plot; to conspire 258. connoisseur - an expert 259. conspicuous - noticeable; attracting attention 260. construe - to interpret; to explain 261. consummate - perfect; accomplished 262. contrite - penitent :RA 263. convivial - lively; jolly 264. copious - plentiful; overflowing 265. corpulent - stout; portly 266. corroborate - to confirm 267. covert - hidden 268. credulous - inclined to believe, hence easily imposed upon 269. criterion - a standard for judgment 270. cryptic - secret; mysterious 271. culinary - pertaining to cooking :RA 272. cupidity - greed; avarice 273. curtail - to shorten 274. cynic - one who sneers at the altruistic motives of people 275. cynosure - a center of attraction :RA 276. daunt - to discourage 277. dearth - scarcity; paucity 278. debacle - a violent disruption; rout; collapse 279. decadence - deterioration; decline 280. decorum - propriety 281. decant - to pour off gently 282. deference - submission to another out of respect 283. defection - desertion :RA 284. defile - to pollute; to desecrate 285. defray - to pay, such as an expense 286. deft - skilled 287. defunct - no longer in existence 288. dejected - despondent; depressed 289. delectable - extremely pleasant, especially to the senses 290. deleterious - harmful 291. delineate - to sketch 292. delude - to deceive :RA 293. deluge - a heavy downpour 294. demur - to hesitate; to object 295. deploy - move troops as in battle 296. depreciate - to belittle; to underestimate 297. deride - to scorn; to make fun of 298. derogatory - expressing a low opinion of something or someone 299. desecrate - to profane 300. destitute - poverty-stricken :RA 301. desultory - aimless and unmethodical; rambling from one subject to another 302. detergent - a cleansing agent 303. detrimental - harmful; injurious 304. deviate - to turn aside from a path or course 305. devoid - empty 306. devout - pious; practicing devotion 307. dexterity - skill in using the hands, body or mind :RA 308. dictum - an authoritative statement 309. didactic - instructive 310. digress - to stray from a path or course 311. dilapidated - in need of repair; fallen into neglect 312. dilatory - dawdling; neglectful; procrastinating 313. dilettante - a dabbler; one who pursues an art for amusement rather than profit 314. diligent - industrious :RA 315. dingy - dark; dull; grimy 316. dire - dreadful; forecasting disaster 317. dirge - a funeral song 318. disavow - to renounce a statement 319. disburse - to pay out 320. discern - to perceive; to note with discrimination 321. disconcerting - upsetting or confusing 322. disconsolate - cheerless; inconsolable :RA 323. discourse - conversation; a treatment of a subject at considerable length 324. discreet - judicious; careful; prudent 325. discrimination - acuteness in drawing distinctions; penetration of mind; unfair distinction between two persons or objects 326. disdain - to scorn; to regard another with contempt 327. disgruntled - disappointed; dissatisfied :RA 328. disinterested - unprejudiced; impartial 329. dismay - keen disappointment 330. disparity - inequality 331. dispassionate - without prejudice; calm 332. dispel - to drive away; to cause to vanish 333. disperse - to scatter 334. disseminate - to spread ideas or opinions 335. dissent - disagreement :RA 336. dissemble - disguise; pretend 337. diverse - varied 338. divulge - impart information 339. docile - amenable; submissive 340. dogged - persistent 341. dormant - inactive 342. drastic - harsh; having a powerful effect 343. droll - amusing; comical 344. dubious - doubtful :RA 345. duplicity - double-dealing; deception 346. dynamic - forceful :RA 347. ebb - to decline; to recede 348. ebullient - showing enthusiasm 349. edify - to instruct; to enlighten 350. efface - to erase; to cancel 351. egotistic - conceited 352. eject - to expel 353. elated - exalted in spirit 354. elegy - a funeral poem 355. elicit - to extract; to draw out :RA 356. elite - a choice, select body of persons 357. elucidate - to make clear 358. emaciated - very thin; haggard; cadaverous 359. emancipate - to free 360. embellish - to adorn 361. embezzle - to steal 362. eminent - distinguished 363. emulate - to imitate 364. encompass - to surround :RA 365. encroach - to trespass; to intrude on another's property 366. engender - to produce 367. enhance - to increase 368. enigma - puzzle; riddle 369. enjoin - to prohibit 370. enmity - hostility 371. entice - to lure; to tempt 372. entreaty - an earnest request 373. ephemeral - short-lived :RA 374. epilogue - the concluding part of a literary work 375. epitaph - writing on a tombstone 376. epithet - a word or phrase that characterizes a person or thing; a descriptive title 377. epitome - a summary; a part which typically represents the whole 378. equanimity - poise; calmness 379. equinox - a period of days and nights; the beginning of spring and autumn 380. equitable - fair-minded :RA 381. equity - justice 382. equivocate - to quibble; to speak ambiguously in order to evade the truth 383. erode - to wear away 384. err - to make a mistake 385. erudite - learned; scholarly 386. esoteric - understood only by a select few 387. espionage - the practice of spying 388. estrange - to alienate :RA 389. eternal - everlasting 390. etymology - the science of the origin or derivation of words 391. eulogize - to praise highly 392. evoke - to call forth; to elicit 393. exalt - to elevate in rank; to praise 394. excoriate - to attack abusively 395. exculpate - to free of guilt 396. exemplary - model 397. exodus - emigration :RA 398. exonerate - to free of responsibility or guilt 399. exotic - strange and foreign 400. expatriate - to withdraw from or be exiled from one's native land 401. expedite - to hasten 402. exploit - a great feat or deed 403. expound - to set forth or explain 404. expunge - to erase 405. extradition - surrender of a prisoner by one state to another :RA 406. extant - in existence 407. extemporaneous - made up on the spur of the moment 408. extinct - no longer in existence 409. extol - to praise 410. extrinsic - irrelevant :RA 411. fabricate - to construct; to invent falsely 412. fabulous - incredible; fantastic 413. facade - the face of a building 414. facet - a surface 415. facetious - humorous; jesting 416. facile - easy; skillful 417. facsimile - an identical reproduction 418. fallacy - false reasoning :RA 419. fallible - inclined to make mistakes 420. farce - a comedy in which the humor is exaggerated 421. fastidious - very exacting; finicky 422. fealty - loyalty 423. feasible - workable 424. feign - to pretend 425. felicitous - happy; appropriate in expression :RA 426. feline - pertaining to a cat; stealthy 427. felony - a serious crime 428. fetish - an object of unreasonable devotion 429. fiasco - a complete failure 430. fickle - capricious; changeable; unsteady in mood 431. filch - to steal petty sums 432. finicky - particular over details 433. fiscal - financial :RA 434. fissure - crevice, as in rocks 435. flamboyant - showy; conspicuous 436. flaunt - to make a display of; to show off 437. fleet - quick 438. flimsy - unsubstantial; lacking in force 439. florid - brightly colored; highly decorative 440. flotsam - drifting wreckage 441. flounder - to struggle helplessly :RA 442. fluctuate - to waver 443. flux - flowing; a series of changes 444. foreboding - forecasting evil 445. forensic - pertaining to public discussion and debate; argumentative 446. forestall - to prevent 447. forgo - to do without; resign; renounce 448. formidable - inspiring fear; menacing :RA 449. fortuitous - taking place by fortunate accident 450. foster - to nourish; to promote; to encourage 451. fracas - a noisy dispute 452. franchise - the right of suffrage 453. frenzy - raving madness 454. frugal - careful with expenditures; inexpensive 455. fusion - coalition; union 456. frustrate - to render ineffective :RA 457. furtive - secretive 458. futile - useless; worthless :RA 459. gainful - profitable 460. gainsay - to deny 461. gait - manner of walking 462. gamut - range 463. garnish - to adorn 464. gaudy - overly elaborate; flashy 465. gaunt - lean 466. genealogy - a list of ancestors 467. genial - cordial; friendly :RA 468. germane - to the point; relevant 469. ghastly - shocking; very pale 470. gist - the main point or essence of matter 471. glare - dazzling brightness; to stare fiercely or threateningly 472. gleam - a faint beam of light 473. glib - fluent; smooth; flippant 474. glossary - a dictionary of words used in a particular work 475. glut - to clutter; to overstock :RA 476. glutton - one who eats to excess 477. gore - blood 478. gratify - to satisfy 479. gratis - without payment 480. gratuitous - done without payment; uncalled for; unwarranted 481. grimy - soiled with dirt 482. grotesque - humorously extravagant; absurdly strange 483. gruesome - hideous; frightful :RA 484. guile - deception 485. gullible - easily imposed upon; credulous :RA 486. hackneyed - rendered commonplace by overuse; stale 487. haggard - lean; emaciated 488. hail - to greet 489. hallow - to render sacred 490. hamper - to hinder; to restrain 491. harangue - a noisy and ranting oration 492. harbinger - forerunner 493. harping - tiresome dwelling on a subject :RA 494. harlequin - a clown 495. haughty - proud and scornful 496. haven - refuge 497. heed - to pay attention to; to respond favorably 498. heinous - atrocious 499. heresy - a belief that does not conform to tradition 500. heterodox - not conforming to standard doctrine 501. heterogeneous - not uniform :RA 502. hiatus - a gap; a breach 503. hoax - a deception; a practical joke 504. holocaust - destruction by fire 505. homage - expression of respect 506. homily - sermon 507. homogeneous - uniform 508. homonym - a word that sounds like another but differs from it in meaning 509. hue - a shade or variety of color :RA 510. hybrid - of mixed origin 511. hypothesis - an assumption :RA 512. iconoclast - one who attacks tradition 513. idiosyncrasy - a distinctive eccentricity 514. idyllic - pertaining to the countryside; attractively simple 515. ignoble - dishonorable; mean 516. illegible - unable to be read easily 517. illicit - illegal 518. illiterate - unable to read or write :RA 519. illusion - a mistaken impression 520. immaculate - spotless 521. imminent - impending; likely to occur soon 522. immunity - freedom from obligation; ability to resist contagion 523. immutable - unchangeable 524. impact - collision 525. impasse - deadlock; a situation from which there is no escape 526. impeach - to charge with a crime; to discredit :RA 527. impediment - a physical obstruction 528. imperious - domineering; imperative 529. impervious - impenetrable 530. impetuous - impulsive; done hastily or rashly 531. impious - irreverent 532. implacable - unable to be pacified 533. implicate - to involve 534. implicit - unexpressed; implied :RA 535. impostor - a pretender 536. impregnable - capable of resisting attack 537. impromptu - done on the spur of the moment 538. improvident - wasteful 539. improvise - to do without forethought; to extemporize 540. impugn - to attack as false 541. impunity - freedom from punishment 542. impute - to charge :RA 543. inadvertent - inattentive 544. incarcerate - to imprison 545. inception - a beginning 546. incipient - beginning 547. incisive - cutting 548. incite - to instigate; to spur on 549. inclement - merciless; severe, as in weather 550. incompatible - not in harmony :RA 551. incongruous - unsuitable; unharmonious 552. incontrovertible - incontestable 553. incorrigible - incapable of correction 554. increment - an increase 555. incriminate - to charge with a crime 556. incumbent - the holder of an office; imperative 557. indemnify - to compensate :RA 558. indict - to charge with guilt or a crime 559. indigenous - native 560. indigent - poverty-stricken 561. indolence - laziness 562. indomitable - unconquerable 563. inebriate - intoxicated 564. inert - motionless; sluggish 565. inference - conclusion; logical deduction 566. infringe - to trespass :RA 567. ingenious - clever; skillful 568. ingratiate - to attempt to secure favor for oneself 569. inhibit - to prevent; to prohibit 570. innate - inborn; native 571. innocuous - harmless 572. innuendo - an indirect reference 573. inordinate - excessive 574. inquisition - an official inquiry 575. insatiable - incapable of being satisfied :RA 576. inscrutable - incomprehensible; mysterious 577. insidious - sly; treacherous 578. insinuate - to hint indirectly 579. insular - relating to an island; narrow-minded 580. insuperable - not capable of being overcome 581. insurgent - rebellious 582. insurrection - a rebellion 583. intangible - incapable of being touched or defined :RA 584. integrity - honesty; uprightness 585. inter - to bury 586. intermediary - a go-between 587. interminable - without end 588. intimate - to hint 589. intimidate - to pressure another person through fear; to overawe 590. intractable - disobedient; not easily controlled 591. intrepid - courageous 592. intrinsic - basic :RA 593. inundate - to flood 594. invalidate - to render null and void 595. inveterate - deep-rooted 596. invincible - unconquerable 597. iota - a very small quantity 598. irascible - easily vexed or angered; irritable 599. ire - anger 600. irksome - monotonous; tedious :RA 601. irrevocable - not able to be withdrawn 602. itinerant - wandering :RA 603. jaundiced - yellowed; envious 604. jeer - to sneer; to ridicule 605. jeopardize - to endanger 606. jocular - in a joking manner 607. judicious - wise; discreet 608. juncture - a crisis; a concurrence or meeting point of two or more events :RA 609. labyrinth - a structure of intricate passages; a puzzling situation 610. lackadaisical - indifferent 611. lackey - a servile follower 612. laconic - brief; concise 613. laggard - one who moves slowly or tardily 614. lament - to express great grief 615. lampoon - to write about a person in severe ridicule :RA 616. languid - spiritless; weak; uninterested 617. lapse - a decline in use; to fall into disuse 618. largess - generosity 619. latent - hidden 620. laud - to praise 621. lavish - very generous 622. lax - not rigid; careless 623. legacy - an inheritance 624. lenient - not severe :RA 625. lethal - deadly 626. lethargy - sluggishness 627. levity - lightness; jesting 628. libretto - text of an opera 629. lineage - ancestry 630. lithe - flexible 631. livid - pale; black-and-blue 632. loathe - to dislike heartily 633. loquacious - talkative :RA 634. lubricate - to make smooth or slippery 635. lucid - clear; easily understood 636. lucrative - profitable 637. ludicrous - absurd; laughable 638. lugubrious - mournful 639. luminous - glowing; lucid 640. lunar - pertaining to the moon 641. lure - to tempt; to coax 642. lurk - to lie hidden :RA 643. magnanimous - generous; high-minded 644. magnate - a person of great rank or influence 645. maim - to cripple 646. malevolent - spiteful 647. malice - ill will; spite 648. malign - to slander; to speak ill of another 649. mammoth - immense 650. mandatory - imperative :RA 651. mangle - to disfigure; to cut to pieces 652. martial - pertaining to war 653. maternal - pertaining to motherhood 654. maudlin - effusively sentimental 655. meager - scanty; lean 656. meander - to wander aimlessly or listlessly 657. mendacity - lying 658. mendicant - beggar :RA 659. menial - servile; of domestic rank 660. mercenary - motivated solely by profit 661. meretricious - deceitfully attractive 662. mesa - a high, flattopped hill 663. meticulous - exacting 664. metropolis - large city 665. mimic - to imitate 666. mirage - an optical illusion :RA 667. misanthropic - showing hatred or distrust 668. missive - a letter 669. mitigate - to soften; to make less severe 670. mollify - to calm 671. momentous - important; significant 672. monologue - a speech by one person 673. moot - debatable 674. morbid - sickly; unwholesome :RA 675. mordant - biting 676. munificent - generous 677. murky - dark; gloomy 678. mutual - shared in common 679. myriad - innumerable :RA 680. nadir - the lowest point 681. naive - simple; frank 682. nautical - pertaining to seamen, ships or navigation 683. nebulous - vague 684. nefarious - wicked 685. neophyte - a beginner; a novice 686. nexus - connection 687. niche - a recess in a wall for a statue :RA 688. noisome - foul smelling; fetid; disgusting; mephitic 689. nomadic - wandering 690. nominal - existing in name only; of slight importance 691. nonchalance - indifference; jaunty carelessness 692. nostalgia - homesickness 693. novice - a beginner 694. noxious - harmful :RA 695. obdurate - stubborn; unyielding 696. obese - fat; corpulent 697. obliterate - to wipe out; to destroy 698. oblivion - forgetfulness 699. obloquy - censure; slander; ill-repute 700. obscene - indecent in language or deed 701. obscure - not clear; dark 702. obsequious - servile; slavish; sycophantic :RA 703. observance - practice of keeping with law or custom 704. obsolete - out-of-date 705. obstreperous - noisy 706. obtrusive - thrusting oneself unduly into prominence 707. obtuse - not acute; dull witted; blunt 708. obviate - to render unnecessary 709. ominous - threatening 710. omnipotent - of unlimited power :RA 711. opulence - great wealth 712. opus - a work; a creative composition 713. ordeal - a severe trial 714. ordinance - a law 715. ordnance - military weapons 716. ornate - decorative; showy 717. oscillate - to waver 718. ostensible - apparent 719. ostentation - boastful display :RA 720. ostracize - to banish from a group 721. ovation - enthusiastic public applause :RA 722. palatial - magnificent, as befitting a palace 723. pallid - very pale 724. panacea - a cure-all or remedy for all diseases 725. pandemonium - chaos 726. paradox - a self-contradictory statement 727. paragon - a model 728. paramount - foremost 729. paraphrase - to express in another form :RA 730. parody - a humorous imitation of serious writing 731. parsimonious - stingy 732. partisan - strongly favoring one person or faction 733. pastoral - pertaining to the country 734. patrician - one who is of noble birth 735. pecuniary - pertaining to money 736. peerless - without an equal :RA 737. peevish - showing ill nature or temper 738. penal - relating to punishment 739. penchant - a strong inclination 740. pensive - thoughtful 741. penury - poverty 742. perennial - enduring through the years 743. perfidy - treachery 744. perfunctory - done mechanically :RA 745. periphery - outermost region within a boundary 746. perjury - lying under oath 747. permeate - to spread through 748. pernicious - destructive 749. perpetrate - to commit 750. perpetuate - to preserve 751. persevere - to persist 752. perspicacious - of keen insight; of acute discernment :RA 753. perspicuous - clear or plain to the understanding 754. pertinacity - persistence 755. peruse - to read 756. pervade - to saturate; to spread through completely 757. petrify - to paralyze with fear 758. petulant - irritable 759. philanthropic - benevolent; aiding people 760. philatelist - a collector of stamps :RA 761. phlegmatic - sluggish 762. phobia - a strong fear 763. pilfer - to steal in small amounts 764. pinnacle - the highest point 765. plagiarism - appropriate unlawfully another's writing or ideas 766. plaintive - mournful 767. platitude - a commonplace saying 768. plausible - apparently true or valid :RA 769. plebiscite - vote by the people 770. plethora - overabundance 771. plight - an unfavorable condition 772. poll - an election 773. pompous - showing self-importance 774. ponderous - weighty 775. portentous - forecasting evil 776. posthumous - after death 777. potent - powerful :RA 778. pragmatic - concerned with practical values 779. precarious - perilous; uncertain 780. preclude - to prevent 781. precocious - prematurely bright 782. predatory - plundering 783. predilection - partiality 784. prerogative - privileged superiority 785. pretext - an excuse :RA 786. prevail - to triumph; to be widespread 787. prevaricate - to distort the truth 788. primeval - existing in the earliest times 789. proclivity - a natural tendency 790. procrastinate - to put off 791. prodigious - enormous; vast 792. progeny - offspring 793. prolific - highly productive :RA 794. prolix - wordy 795. promulgate - to make known 796. propensity - a natural bent 797. propinquity - nearness, especially with respect to blood relationship 798. propitious - a favorable omen 799. prosaic - commonplace; not imaginative 800. proscribe - to exile 801. prototype - a pattern :RA 802. protract - to prolong 803. provincial - restricted in compass; narrow-minded 804. prowess - remarkable courage or skill 805. proximity - nearness in time or place 806. pseudonym - an assumed name 807. pulmonary - pertaining to the lungs 808. punctilious - methodical; exacting :RA 809. pungent - strong of smell; biting of speech 810. purge - to cleanse of impurities 811. purport - meaning 812. pusillanimous - cowardly 813. putrid - decayed :RA 814. quaff - to drink 815. quaint - odd 816. quandary - a perplexing situation 817. quell - to suppress 818. querulous - irritable 819. quest - a search 820. quibble - to evade the main issue by arguing about trifles 821. quietude - state of being quiet :RA 822. quixotic - fantastic; impractical 823. quizzical - queer; comical :RA 824. ramification - a branching out 825. rancor - spite 826. rant - to talk noisily and blusteringly 827. ratify - to confirm 828. raucous - harsh sounding 829. raze - to destroy to the ground 830. rebuttal - the act of contradicting an argument 831. recalcitrant - stubbornly disobedient :RA 832. recant - to take back an opinion 833. recapitulate - to summarize 834. recriminate - to bring a counter charge 835. rectify - to correct 836. redeem - to pay back 837. redolent - fragrant 838. redundant - superfluous 839. referendum - a popular vote 840. refraction - bending of a light ray :RA 841. refute - to disprove 842. reiterate - to repeat 843. rejoinder - a response 844. relent - to yield; to soften 845. relevant - pertinent 846. remiss - neglectful; not prompt 847. remonstrate - to plead earnestly against a course of action 848. remorse - self-reproach 849. remuneration - compensation :RA 850. renegade - a deserter 851. renown - fame 852. reparation - a payment made for a past wrong 853. replenish - to refill 854. reprieve - to pardon 855. reprisal - retaliation; striking back for an injury 856. repudiate - to disavow 857. repulse - to drive back 858. requite - to pay back :RA 859. rescind - to annul; to repeal 860. resentment - displeasure; anger 861. resilient - elastic 862. resolute - determined 863. respite - a pause 864. restitution - repayment; restoration 865. reticent - customarily silent 866. retrench - to lessen; to curtail 867. retribution - suffering imposed as punishment :RA 868. reverberate - to echo 869. revere - to honor; to regard with respect 870. revoke - to recall; to withdraw 871. ritual - a solemn ceremony 872. rococo - an ornate style of decoration 873. roster - list of names 874. rudiment - fundamental 875. rue - to regret 876. ruminate - to reflect :RA 877. sacrilegious - treating irreverently 878. sagacity - wisdom; shrewdness 879. salacious - impure in thought or deed 880. salient- conspicuous; outstanding 881. salubrious - healthful 882. sanctity - holiness 883. sanguine - hopeful; confident 884. sanguinary - bloody :RA 885. sartorial - pertaining to tailoring or clothes 886. satiate - to satisfy fully or to excess 887. saturnine - habitually solemn 888. saunter - to walk idly 889. scourge - to afflict severely 890. scrimp - to be sparing 891. scrutinize - to examine closely 892. secular - worldly, as opposed to spiritual :RA 893. sedate - serious and dignified 894. sedative - soothing; relieving pain 895. seditious - treasonous 896. sedulous - industrious 897. sever - to part 898. shackle - chain 899. simulate - to pretend 900. simultaneous - happening at the same time 901. sinew - strength; energy :RA 902. sinister - evil 903. slovenly - untidy 904. smirk - to smile smugly 905. smug - self-satisfied 906. sojourn - to dwell 907. solace - comfort 908. soliloquy - act of talking to oneself 909. somnolent - sleepy 910. sophisticated - worldly-wise :RA 911. sordid - base; dirty 912. speculate - to gamble; to reflect 913. spontaneous - done on the spur of the moment 914. sporadic - occurring in scattered instances 915. spurious - unauthentic 916. squash - to smash 917. stamina - power of endurance 918. steadfast - unwavering; dependable :RA 919. stentorian - loud-voiced 920. stereotyped - repeated without variation; lacking originality 921. stigmatize - to brand 922. stint - to economize 923. stipulate - to specify as part of an understanding 924. straggle - to stray; to roam 925. strand - a single thread; to run aground 926. strategy - skillful management, operation, or planning; cunning :RA 927. strident - harsh sounding 928. suave - affable in manner 929. subjugate - to conquer 930. subterfuge - underhanded evasion 931. succinct - concise; brief; terse 932. succulent - juicy 933. sullen - gloomy 934. supercilious - contemptuously proud 935. superfluous - excessive :RA 936. supplicate - to beg 937. surcease - cessation; respite 938. surmise - a conjecture 939. surreptitious - secretive :RA 940. taciturn - habitually silent 941. tangible - capable of being touched; real 942. tantalize - to tease 943. tantamount - equal 944. temerity - rashness 945. tenacious - obstinate; holding fast 946. tentative - experimental 947. tenuous - thin; flimsy 948. terse - brief; to the point :RA 949. tether - to fasten by a rope; to restrain movement 950. thwart - to block 951. timorous - fearful 952. torpid - sluggish 953. tractable - amenable 954. transcend - to go beyond 955. transient - short-lived 956. transitory - temporary; not enduring :RA 957. translucent - permitting light to pass through 958. transmute - to change from one form into another 959. trite - commonplace 960. truculent - savage 961. turgid - swollen; pompous :RA 962. ubiquitous - existing everywhere 963. unctuous - oily 964. unremitting - unceasing 965. upbraid - rebuke sharply 966. urban - pertaining to the city 967. urbane - polished; refined 968. usurp - to seize unjustly or forcibly :RA 969. vacillate - to waver 970. vagary - a whim 971. valiant - brave 972. vapid - flat; tasteless 973. venerable - worthy of reverence 974. venial - trifling 975. veracity - truth 976. verbose - talkative; wordy; voluble 977. vernacular - in common speech :RA 978. vernal - pertaining to spring 979. versatile - skilled in many directions 980. vicarious - performed or undergone by one person in place of another 981. vicissitudes - changes in fortune 982. vindictive - revengeful 983. virulent - deadly; bitterly hostile 984. vitiate - to make ineffective 985. vituperate - to scold abusively :RA 986. vociferous - noisy 987. volatile - temperamental; flighty 988. voluble - talkative 989. voracious - greedy 990. vulnerable - capable of being hurt :RA 991. wane - to ebb 992. wanton - unrestrained in morals 993. weird - strange; unearthly 994. wend - to direct one's way 995. wily - crafty 996. wrangle - to argue or quarrel noisily 997. wrest - to seize forcibly 998. wrath - angry :RA 999. zenith - highest point; summit; acme 1000. zircon - a colorless mineral that is polished to a brilliant gem :ET :ET